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The Danwadaag project was funded by the Somali Stability Fund in locations in South Central in an effort to bring stability to communities previously affected by civil war, division and violence, and to promote post-conflict consolidation of new local and regional governmental institutions from the bottom-up. The project, which took its course from April 2014 to January 2017 was unique in that it followed a community-driven development (CDD) method and resulted in open elections and sustainable community cash contributions for local projects.


Endline Evaluation of the Danwadaag Project

Danish Demining Group

February 2017 - June 2017

What Forcier Did:

The Danish Demining Group contracted Forcier to conduct an end line evaluation of their Danwadaag project. Forcier applied a participatory action research approach which utilized local research partners and prioritized local knowledge and ownership in order to best address the research objectives. Forcier identified surveyed respondents on five key themes - recovery and stabilization, basic service provision, government community engagement, community fundraising capacity and conflict mediation and resolution. A final report was produced which contained detailed information pertaining to collected research, recommendations addressing the programs’ cash programming and women empowerment, and lessons learned.

Population Interviewed:

Forcier was able to successfully conduct 300 computer assisted telephone interviews (CATI) from Forciers’ Hargesia office. Some of these surveys were administered by Af-Ma’ay speakers for the Bay and Bakool in order to remove language barriers. Targeted respondents, which were split evenly across the three regions, were almost equally segmented by gender. Forcier also conducted qualitative research that included a total of 15 Key Informant Interviews conducted with community leaders, DDG project staff, local authorities and task force members. In addition, nine Focus Group Discussions were conducted with task force members and business owners. Both qualitative methods were evenly split between the targeted regions.

Methodological Summary


CATI Interviews conducted


Key Informant Interviews with community leaders


Focus Group Discussions with business owners


Regions targeted in Somalia

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