The world’s largest refugee camp based in Dadaab, Kenya has 261,496 Somali refugees currently residing within it as of January, 2019. Due to the formation of Somalia’s Federal Government and greater stability, an increasing number of refugees are beginning to return to their homeland - specifically to the cities of Kismayo and Mogadishu. Given the increasingly rapid return of Somali refugees to these cities as well as Somalia’s difficult economic conditions where unemployment is estimated at 67% for youths, UNHCR and ARC are implementing programs to aid in the returnees’ transition back to Somalia. UNHCR provides financial and in-kind assistance as well as longer-term support to reintegrate returnees into their communities.

Labor Market Study in High Growth Areas
The United Nations High Comisson for Refugees
September 2016 - December 2016
What Forcier Did:
Forcier was contracted to conduct a qualitative labor market study. The purpose of the labor market study was to determine the most immediate labor needs and range of skills required in sectors of high potential employment in Mogadishu and Kismayo. The study was used to inform the American Refugee Committee’s programs to increase job placement and self-employment of these returnees by matching youth skills with jobs, skills training, business development services, provision of financial services, and strengthening linkages between business education providers. The study focused on examining four growth sectors - construction, fishing, energy, and culinary arts/hospitality - in Mogadishu and Kismayo.
Population Interviewed:
A total of 106 interviews were conducted across sectors and locations. The study focused on interviewing industry stakeholders who are directly responsible for organizational hiring. The interviews aimed to address the following objectives: (1) Which sectors of the national/local/regional economy are growing and are likely to require additional workforce, and which sectors are declining? (2) Which types of occupations are likely to be required by expanding sectors/enterprises? (3) What skills and knowledge are required by emerging occupations/economic sectors? Forcier provided a detailed situational analysis of the labor market in these sectors in a final report, and provided recommendations for future action.
Methodological Summary
Total conducted interviews within the job sector
Job sectors examined: construction, fishing, energy, and culinary
Core questions answered
Cities targeted- Mogadishu & Kismayo